

Binance Smart Chain : 0x0000000000000000009000000000000900000000

What is MasonX(MASONX)?

‍Have you ever heard about the Freemasons?

☑️ Masonix NFT ecosystem allows everyone to become a part of this community and earn the way Freemasons but in CRYPTO.
Everything you need — buy and stake $MASONX token.

What is a $MASONX?
$MASONX is an unmintable token with stable growing price that represents the Masonix ecosystem consisting of staking and Masonix NFT marketplace rewarding.

It consists 3 so called levels of participation with growing benefits depends on % of holding and staking $MASONXtoken.

EXTREMELY SIMPLE AND LOW COMMISIONS provide fast and efficient trades and allow to grow fast and stable.

☑️ Fixed 5% taxes. Buy and Sell both.
— 3% marketing outlay
— 1% goes to Pancakeswap liquidity pool
— 1% distributed to Master Masons

Every holder and staker gain % of Masonix NFT Ecosystem cash flow.

Are you interested?

ℹ️ Join our community in Telegram and Twitter or check our website.

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