
Micro Cake

Binance Smart Chain : 0x5af6c061b5bE5770019db51b6745cEc6eB81368E

What is Micro Cake(MCKE)?

MicroCake has an intrinsic aim; Introduce passive income deFi to the wider world

DeFi is revolutionary, a type of technology that has the ability to change one's perspective on finances, and on the world around us. As we enter a new generation, where people are waking up to the flaws of the modern-day financial system, it is imperative that you gain a deeper understanding of the world we are heading into, albeit a difficult concept to fathom, we here at MicroCake understand this, and we aim to help those, who haven’t quite gained a grasp of it

MicroCake as a project, a community has a mission, and that mission is simple; show the masses that passive income is as simple as a few clicks on a decentralized platform. No thorough understanding is necessary, it is as simple as clicking a few buttons on your keyboard, swapping your BNB for MicroCake, and reaping the benefits of earning as you go about your day to day life

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