

Binance Smart Chain : 0x7fbe54e31598059b1cf7634de3c61424c8260576

What is MoonDog(MDOG)?

MoonDog - this little doggie has embarked on a journey to the moon. He is willing to take those who are lucky enough with him on his journey.


Total Supply – 1000000000000000

Initial Allocation Percentage
Initial burn: 40%
PancakeSwap liquidity: 50%
Marketing fund: 5%
Charity fund: 5%

➡️ To Liquidity – 5%
➡️ To Holders – 2%
➡️ To Marketing Wallet – 2%
➡️ To Charity Wallet – 2%

PancakeSwap Slippage - 12%

Launch Details
✅ Stealth launch
✅ Contract verified
✅ Ownership Renounced
✅ Liquidity locked

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