
Mecha Token

Binance Smart Chain : 0x99df5b738aac8b388370e26148f91475f0419db

What is Mecha Token(MECHA)?

MECHA is a fully decentralized community based deflationary token that will be launching on PancakeSwap on 8th December 2021. MECHA will be the fastest growing crypto currency of its kind. Our tokenomics incorporate small taxes with every buy and sell transaction that will allow token buybacks and burns thereby decreasing the total supply and increasing the value each token.

Fair Launch - December 8th, 16:00 UTC on the BSC

Mint #MECHA NFT - December 13th, 17:00 UTC

ETH Launch - December 20th

Maun information for the contributors:

Total supply: 100,000,000,000,000
Token Name: $MECHA
Initial Burn: 50 %
Liquidity: 45 % + 1 BNB
Marketing Wallet: 5 %

Transactions FEE:

Buy Tax: 5 % Marketing
Sell Tax: 5 % Liquidity + 5 % BuyBack

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