
Meta Lizard

Binance Smart Chain : 0x8071dbdd041b595604da06ff01790cf607df0b69

What is Meta Lizard(METALIZARD)?

Meta Lizard is a true DeFi Wizard!
The first purpose of Meta Lizard is to incentivize you for holding its token. When you hold $MetaLizard you get reflection rewards in $BUSDautomatically. The more trades are settled the more rewards you receive, simple!
Meta Lizard has been launched in Stealth Mode so you shouldn’t worry about price suppression right from the start. Get your bag, hold and relax.

There is a limited supply of 1,000,000,000 $MetaLizard tokens, 50% burned on launch.
Tokenomics are really simple, but super effective to keep the Lizard going long way:
Token taxations are as follows:

7% Rewards in $BUSD between all holders
5% Auto Liquidity to support ongoing price increase

Token supply breakdown:
50% of supply Burned
42% locked in Liquidity Pool
4% Marketing Wallet
4% Team Wallet

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