
Binance Smart Chain : 0x18C43A0214dB7C7DCa1125256e2a848AaEA71040

What is

The Metapool receives 5% of each token transaction on BUSD. This way the Metapool will accumulate BUSD and then will subtract 10% of the total amount pooled for the next day's Metapool.

Each day at 00:00 UTC, Metapool will enable claims and each user who claims will receive 10% of the total amount accumulated in the metapool. So the first to claim will receive more than the second and the second will receive more than the third. So, whoever claims first, receives more.

* To claim you must hold 800 metapool tokens.

Attention: If you were lucky to claim on 1st place, you will not be able to claim on the next day.

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