
MetaS Coin

Binance Smart Chain : 0x591d35219E6679260435b1d0d707A25097cebDC1

What is MetaS Coin(METASC)?

MetaSC launch time: It will be launched at 7:00 PM on December 1st, Beijing time. In order to avoid the litterbug contract, the ban will start at 18:55 and be lifted after the launch. Please check the last number of the contract cebDC1 for exchange
MetaS Coin(METASC) is the only governance token of METASC chain game. There is no private placement, no pre-sale, no reservation, fair and fair launch
MetaSC website:
MetaSC International TG: @metasc_English
MetaSC 英 文TG: @metasc_cn
MetaS Coin(METASC) is the only governance token of METASC chain game. There is no private placement, no pre-sale, no reservation, fair and fair launch
METASC contract open source, never issue, online LP lock, pancakesWAP exchange when the sliding point set 5%
METASC only close BSC about: 0 x591d35219e6679260435b1d0d707a25097cebdc1

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