
What is MiniBNB(AINU)?

MiniBNB is a FIRST of its KIND token on the Binance Smart Chain! . It is a redistributive token with a tiered giveaway strategy that comprises of three tiers to cater to all the holders, namely the fish , dolphins and whales of the token! . Holders get redistributions in MiniBNB and get a chance to win BNB in the WEEKLY TIERED GIVEAWAY! . There will be 3 tiers that split up the giveaways from the Giveaway Wallet every week, and 5 wallets will be chosen from each tier!
Tier 1 (Top 100 Wallets): (50% of the giveaway wallet)
Tier 2 (Wallets 101 to 1000): (30% of the giveaway wallet)
Tier 3 (Wallets 1000+): (20% of the giveaway wallet)
The more MiniBNB you hold, the higher tier you will be in for a chance to win BNB in the weekly BNB giveaway!
Our aim is to make sure everybody gets a piece of the pie. Most projects will focus on the whales. We also want the fish and dolphins to have a piece of the pie. Our hope is to create a thriving and vibrant community of holders from across the globe!

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