
Meta Monkey

Binance Smart Chain : 0x29c6e26cfc2d198fca518b84a78372e1d0be08eb

What is Meta Monkey(MM)?

Explore LANDs owned by users to experience incredible scenes and structures. From a space adventure to a medieval dungeon maze to entire villages crafted from the minds of community members.

Create scenes, artworks, challenges and more, using the simple Builder tool, then take part in events to win prizes. For more experienced creators, the MM Dapp provides the tools to fill the world with social games and applications.

Total Supply 10,000,000,000 MM

✅ Liquidity locked for 4 months

✅ 30% Locked Liquidity

✅ 5% Marketing Wallet

✅ 6% Meta Monkey Ecosystem

✅ 5% Dapp Development Wallet

✅ 10% Team Wallet locked for 2 Months

✅ 40% Burn after Launch 4x Burns

Meta Monkey Tax

Buy/Sell tax 12%

✅ BUSD Rewards 2%

✅ Auto LP 3%

✅ Marketing 7%

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