

Binance Smart Chain : 0x3650f46627702984c9d4d8b48366bb17be775314

What is MEMORY(AKT)?

Memory platform allows users to easily deposit BEP20 tokens (ANY tokens) into an NFT.
The platform can also be used to mint NFTs with A.I. Memory token is the governance token of the platform.
The Worlds Tokenized Audio Tracking System.
Memory Token attaches a unique cryptographic token to your audio & tracks it so you never have to worry about unauthorized use.

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Total Supply 48,000,000,000,000 MMR
Tokens For Presale 24,000,000,000,000 MMR By DXSALE
Tokens For Liquidity 19,200,000,000,000 MMR By DXSALE
5%: Redistributed to all existing holders
5%: Burn
Slippage 11-12%

Rug proof
❇️ Auto Burn And Redistribute
✅ Huge Marketing Plan
Liquidity will be locked for 1 years by DXSALE
Reward 5% Back to Holders Every Transaction
Auto Burn 5% Every Transaction

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