
Moon Ticket

Binance Smart Chain : 0x907ad77c0b639602b4512fdfe00e135522883e4c

What is Moon Ticket(MOON)?

Moon Ticket
Stealth launched with a twist.

Moon Ticket was launched in November 2021 with a very safe contract and attractive tokenomics, but the dev had zero patience and exited almost immediately emptying all his bags.
Community picked up on this gem and pumped it back up, creating new Telegram, website and Discord.

Accidentally a perfect shitcoin was born.

1 Trillion tokens
60% supply burned, LP burned, founder dev's wallet supply burned
✅ ownership renounced and truly sacrificed
low tax - only 5% (1% Reflections, 4% to LP)
stealth launched
revived by the community
no whales
only 200 holders
still low market cap gem

BSC Contract check all green:
Not a Honeypot:
No malicious code found on Moonarch:
Low Risk safety rating on Token Sniffer (90/100 rating):

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