

Binance Smart Chain : 0x81e4d494b85a24a58a6ba45c9b418b32a4e039de

What is Moontoken(MOONTOKEN)?

The MoonToken project is community-owned and is developed with the skills and thoughts of the community. Everyone can participate.


Total Supply 1,000,000,000,000,000 5,000,000,000,000 tokens limitation for trade, which is 0.5% of the total supply. 8% fee automatically added to the liquidity pool - locked forever – per transaction. 2% fee automatically distributed to all holders per transaction.

​50% burn to the black hole on day 1. As the black hole is classified as a holder, it also receives a share of each transaction fee, which is in fact burned.

The circulating supply is constantly reduced.

8% fee for liquidity will go to an address that the contract creates, and the contract will sell it and add to liquidity automatically.

It's the best part of the #MOONTOKEN idea, increasing the liquidity pool automatically, help the pool grow from the small initial pool.

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