
Token Milky Way

Binance Smart Chain : 0x505dF100EacAcC68f5C915AC91a28027F332e6ac

What is Token Milky Way(BNBA)?

What is Milky Way token?

Exchange Milky Way Token is a governance token generated within the Bunker Life Club portal.

Within the bunker life club portal you can exchange for MWAY / CSN and use token tramboliko with the products and services offered by the platform.

At Bunker Life Club we say goodbye to Scams

The Tramboliko token project is governed by the Bunker Life Club platform (The token incubator)

Bunker Life Club is a platform that facilitates the creation of token projects and the association of investors for projects under development.

In Bunker Life Club you can:

– Create ERC20, BEP20, WAVES tokens
– Create projects in shared groups
– Staking and winning

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