
Meta Zone

Binance Smart Chain : 0x330b809c8ed86599eb855f8f0baef31a9df68297

What is Meta Zone(MZ)?

Smart Contract META ZONE will be rewarding holders with huge Axie Infinity (#AXS) reflection rewards on every transaction. We will be using the brand new BuyBack tokenomic to help the chart stay on a steady upwards trend or use it to remove tokens from the circulating supply.
⏰ Fair Launch: December 16th, 15:30 UTC ⏳
⏰ Mint NFT Collection #MZ: December 20th, 17:00 UTС
Tokenomics & Distributions:
Total supply: 100,000,000,000 $MZ
Initial LP: 45 % + 3 BNB (lock 6 months)
Initial Burn: 50 %
Marketing Wallet: 4 %
Dev Wallet: 1 %
Transaction FEE -> Buy Tax: 10 %
✔️ 4 % - Reward #AXS
✔️ 2 % - Marketing
✔️ 2 % - BuyBack
✔️ 2 % - Liquidity pool
Sell Tax: 14 %
✔️ 5 % - Reward #AXS
✔️ 3 % - Marketing
✔️ 3 % - BuyBack
✔️ 3 % - Liquidity pool

☸️ WEB:
☸️ Contract: 0x330b809c8ed86599eb855f8f0baef31a9df68297
☸️ TG:
☸️ Twitter:

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