
NEETX Finance

Binance Smart Chain : 0xd4ef1de53fcaacce640b36cb55b916d61860aa75

What is NEETX Finance (NEETX)?

"Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains" - Rousseau

It is said that only those who have lost their minds are truly happy, for the travails, the trials, the tribulations of this world seem mundane and rather unrelated to their wandering imaginations.
They could achieve happiness, but they could never be free, for they are lost in the prison of their own mind.
We aren’t in that particular prison. We can go where we want. Do what we want. Be what we want. But are we free? How free are free?
We, the people, are not free.
For the power of capital, or fiat money, controlled by a few, is still the leash that determines and limits our boundaries, our whereabouts, our life, and our destiny.
The NEETX Financial Freedom Movement will be the next step in the decentralized financial freedom tide that is sweeping over the world today and tomorrow. This movement has spread around the world and has many names - Hikikomori in Japan, Tang Ping in China, and the Great Resignation in the US.
To be truly free is to lose the shackles of fiat currency that were put upon us the moment we were born.
NEET, the philosophy of Not in Education, Employment or Training, is a movement of passive resistance.
Today, the NEETX Finance decentralized cryptocurrency will be our tool for the next phase of our movement - active resistance!
Our mission is to be free.
Welcome to NEETX Finance - Project: Financial Freedom.

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