
No War Coin 2.0

Binance Smart Chain : 0xc6274cd1609bc8a29f2718de5c8e8872b98863d5

What is No War Coin 2.0(NW2)?

We are a group of people from different successful backgrounds that had our lives and careers turned upside down by the coronavirus pandemic. The dramatic changes to our lives forced us to look for alternative ways to make a living. Our search led us to crypto, and that’s how we met each other. Working together as a team we were able to achieve even greater accomplishments than what we had managed working individually. Seeing how lucky we have been with crypto; we have now decided to combine our skill sets to create No War Coin.

Seeing how many people are constantly struggling and suffering we have all been feeling powerless until we realized that we could use our skills to do something about it! That is how this project came to be, a chance for us to give back and help those who have not been as lucky as we have been.

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