

Binance Smart Chain : 0x8da6113655309f84127e0837fcf5c389892578b3

What is OBToken(OBT)?

OB Trader is an innovative trading AI, that lets people easily create trading bots on their favorite exchanges with one click of a button. Moreover, OB Trader is the first public automated trading tool that uses only AI for decision-making. OB Trader is an AI that actually trades for users.

OB Trader aims to solve 2 problems:

1. The complexity of crypto investing.

2. Low returns of existing trading platforms or while holding cryptocurrencies.

At OB, a person can find a variety of pre-trained AI trading strategies adapted for different markets. The single goal of the trading AI is to outperform the underlying assets. So the primary reason for a person to use the bots is to get a bigger return on his/her investment in crypto.

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