
Binance Smart Chain : 0x3e95267c50c7ad38644b506b9b33c49752119362

What is

$OORG - Future of Bitcoin and True store of value.
One of the essential functions of money is that it constitutes a means for saving and securing the fortune of people, since it guarantees immediate cash flow. In the pre-banking era, the house or the ground served as a safe where they kept and hid their small or large savings and hoards, both during wars, enemy raids and natural disasters as well as during peaceful times. The private banks and those operating inside sanctuaries in the ancient Greek Roman world are the forerunners of the banking system that was organized and developed in the late Medieval period and in Modern times into the banks of the mercantile societies of Venice, Genoa and the Netherlands. Cryptocurruncy is new generation type of organization for solving this issue.

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