
Golden Parachute

Binance Smart Chain : 0x1df489316b7FE43367817A0ab82a3768491d3dc6

What is Golden Parachute(PARA)?

GOLDEN PARACHUTE. NOT A MEME TOKEN: We want to introduce you to our own patentable invention, a totally new concept in finance, something that we call the „absolute Beta approach“:
We interpret the absolute Beta approach in a way that the price of the token positively correlates with the market in bull markets, however, at the same time negatively correlates with the market in bear markets. To simplify; In Bull markets you profit, in bear markets you have a high profit potential as well.
The tokenomics, which are highly deflationary, reward people for long-term holding. What does that imply for you? You do not need to worry about the balancing of long / short position (e.g. call / put options), you have the advantages of both features combined in one single instrument.

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