
Pension Plan

Ethereum Smart Chain : 0xf14b9adf84812ba463799357f4dc716b4384010b

What is Pension Plan(PP)?

What Is Pension Plan (pp)?

Pension Plan has the newest technology of coding, which allows high redistribution of 7 % to its holders in Ethereum. Furthermore, the Pension Plan token contributes 1 % towards clinical research and buyback of 0.5 % shrinks the supply constantly. This token is perfect for passive income and the goal of the project is to create a platform, which would allow holders to pay directly by debit card with redistributed Ethereum within seconds.

The code of Pension plan is unique and was built by our team.
You will not find anything with the same functionalities. This ERC-20 token works best,
when you hold it in your wallet, which guarantees you receiving the redistribution.
The redistribution is initiated, when 1 ETH is collected from all transactions.

What Is Pension Plan (pp) contract address??

The contract address for the Pension Plan is 0xf14b9adf84812ba463799357f4dc716b4384010b and it can be found on eth network.

Where can I securely store my Pension Plan tokens?

pp is an ERC20 token so you will need a wallet that can hold ERC20 tokens. The most popular ones are MetaMask and Trust Wallet.

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