

Binance Smart Chain : 0x815a5ed3474bb24839d37c5bb2e3385bffcd072d

What is PornFans(PORNFANS)?

Meet PornFans, the first sexy token in the BinanceSmartChain space.

Get passive income with $PornFans! PornFans allows you to earn. just hold the token in your wallet. Tokenomic are set up so that 7 percent of each transaction is distributed to all token holders.

Become the first investors and get the maximum income today!

✅ The industry's first NFT marketplace
✅ Partnership with the stars
✅ Passive income
✅ Exclusive content early holders
✅ Automatic rewards
✅ Locked liquidity
✅ Fair Launch
✅ Community Driven
✅ Growth potential X10-X100

Total Supply: 10 000 000
Marketing Wallet: 20% (rewards will be used for promotion)
CEX Reserved
10% Total Tax | 7% Rewards | 3% $ Liquidity |

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