
Rhyme$ick Coin

Binance Smart Chain : 0x9641c1eee00471f7da822167f6cf77202356179a

What is Rhyme$ick Coin(R$C)?

Rhyme$ick Coin was created to change the way Artists and Fans interact with the world of music. R$C will allow users to swap their tokens for exclusive NFTs, beats, music, events, merch, and more. By holding the Rhyme$ick Coin token, you can become a member of the R$C Metaverse, which links together Artists and Fans in an interactive networking environment. Formed by Independent Record Label, RhymeSick, R$C has the backing of an established business. RhymeSick has 5 years good standing with the BBB. Through touring and networking, RhymeSick plans to continue developing a massive network of talented and influential individuals to expand their outreach. Showcasing the arts and spreading educational resources for Crypto, Independent Artists, and Mental Health awareness, establishes the core values of the project. Unity through community strength and synergistic productivity. The purpose of R$C is to put the power back into the hands of the Artists, and make Fan experiences even more interactive and valuable

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