
Research Coin

Binance Smart Chain : 0x0afa1b4cacc2cb5e7d29bbed7bb50de9e716958e

What is Research Coin(RECOIN)?

$RECOIN is the First and Main Token to be created in the field of Research Payments System in Universities and is known as the Digital Asset of Repaysystem. To promote Research Activities and Programs, Repaysystem has introduced this token on the Binance Smart Chain Blockchain Platform. $RECOIN is a Research-Centered and Community-Centered Token and is a type
of Bep 20 Token and is a token for Research Services Payment. This token was supply on July 2021 and in the number of 10 Quintillion. Demand for the use of Research, as well as the role that research plays in the development, this makes $RECOIN Token valuable, because it serves both as a Digital Currencies and as a Distributed Role to develop and support of Research.

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