

Binance Smart Chain : 0x9051398cC35496b532f28418B2D8e0b718FE69DA

What is Relic(RELIC)?

Relic is a unique community driven decentralised finance (DeFi) token that is deflationary and features automated yield and liquidity generation. Relic has a unique set of features not available on any other deflationary token at launch including a unique community pool mechanism, complex fee structure support, in-contract liquidity time locking and unique whale prevention features.
Relics most unique feature is the community pool mechanism which has been introduced to support community distributions. Every relic transaction contributes to the community pool and once per quarter, pool amounts will be distributed 100% back to the community of holders via reflection. This feature is not available on any other deflationary token at launch.
The Relic holder community also enjoys more rewards than most popular tokens. Research and analysis have been undertaken to ensure system related accounts (i.e. black hole and many others) are excluded from rewards and do not get distributions that should go to the Relic community. As a result, Relic has significantly more reflections to holders than any other token. i.e. over 50% more then many existing tokens that include the black hole as a holder.
Relic has a number of unique whale deterrent features built in. Each Relic buy transaction cannot exceed 1% of the circulating supply and each transacting wallet can only hold 5% of the Relic circulating supply. The circulating supply is dynamically calculated in the smart contract which consistently lowers the floor thresholds overall improving supply outlook.

Overall Relic has been created with community at heart and transparency in mind. Featuring some of the best community rewards, whale deterrents, automated yield plus liquidity generation and a locked liquidity pool, Relic is the DeFi token to outlast them all.
Note: Relic token has also been audited. See our website for more information.

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