

Binance Smart Chain : 0x442089B89168b9369ACd68eE2bfFa7f0c543AbaB

What is RedFrunk( RFRUNK )?

Redfrunk is a unique platform and marketplace where content creators can put their creativity whether it's music, art, ideas into NFT and make transactions on our platform.

Token Info

▫️Supply :
▫️Private Sale : 10,5%
▫️Presale : 40%
▫️Pancakeswap Liquidity : 23,5%
▫️Dev wallet : 5% (lock for 1month)
▫️Marketing wallet : 7%
▫️Wallet manual burn : 4%
▫️Burn instant : 10%

Tokenomic : Tax 9%

▫️Dev wallet 1%
▫️Reflection 2%
▫️Liquidity 2%
▫️Marketing 4%

▫️Slippage 10-15%

▶️ Marketing campaign
▶️ KYC at interFi
▶️ AUDIT at interFi

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