
Royal NFT

Binance Smart Chain : 0xD08016f25ceb76eB543A6FD1ED9f83997Be09C9A

What is Royal NFT(RNFT)?

Royal NFT are the native currency to one of the most ambitious NFT marketplace projects to date.

Token: Royal NFT
Symbol : RNFT
Contract: 0xD08016f25ceb76eB543A6FD1ED9f83997Be09C9A
Total Supply: 50,000,000
100% Liquidity .
9% Marketing | 1% Team
Marketing plans:
- Voting Website : coinvote : coinmooner/ coinhunters / CoinAlpha / coinsniper
- Twitter, Youtube, Telegram, TikTok influencers onboard
- DexTools trending on works
- PooCoin banner ads
- CG/CMC application

4% for liquidity
5% for the RNFT Buyback
Slippage: 15%

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