
Treasure Seeds

Binance Smart Chain : 0xaa7cb7d0813b37d50a3a6242b13bc2f326c7339f

What is Treasure Seeds(SEEDS)?

Treasure Seeds (token: SEEDS) is an awesome play to earn game, NFT generator and reflective token token. Our play-to-earn feature rewards by earning nonfungible tokens (NFTs), or one-of-a-kind items that’s yours to keep, trade or sell on our platform.

Game: Treasure Seeds is a game where you buy SEEDS, plant them and watch them grow into a cool, rare and potentially valuable NFTs. The game is centered on collectable plant images that players can earn from growing seeds. Players acquire and collect digital images of plants, which we call Treasure Seeds. SEEDS is the game’s currency, which you need to acquire plants.

NFT: Treasure Seeds NFTs are generated from each unique seed packet. Only 150,000 SEEDS will be sold and turned into NFTs. See below for the NFT platform where you can buy and trade your NFTs. Each seed packet costs the same price and what comes out is completely random and beautiful after 1-5 days. Buy special water and fertilizers to speed up the process.

Token: Generate BUSD by just holding SEEDS. Treasure Seeds is deflationary smart contract that automatically earns BUSD dividends on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

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