

Binance Smart Chain : 0x32f268fcf458148fa8fff9c9e005ed940dc9abae

What is BeSelfless(SELF)?

BeSelfless is a Charity Token on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

10% Fee on every transaction
-4% to all Holders
-3% to liquidity
-3% to charity-/marketing-wallet

All liquidity Tokens are locked for 5 years!

We want to show that it is possible to do something good for Charities but also to „HODL“ your tokens and get a passive income. You are also doing something good while buying/selling.

The BeSelfless-Team consists of 7 people from Germany.
Looking for a long-term project, they decided to create a transprent long-term project therselves, one that can really help people, animals and the planet.

So they came up with the idea to create BeSelfless as a charity token.

We have a whitepaper in english, german and chinese on our website.

Whitepaper (english):

Whitepaper (german):

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