

Binance Smart Chain : 0x000000000000000000000

What is SuperFomo(FYRISE)?

SuperFOMO is coming with %6 DOGE Reward!
Supply and price changes happen every 1 hour and they are called “Rebases”. Rebases will push the price to a rising price peg by burning supply.

5% Liquidity

2% Marketing

2% Buyback and Burn


Real 1000x potential

Liquidity Locked

Strong Marketing Push

Trending Token of the day

Low Taxation

A price-elastic tokens with adjusting supply rebases make price-elastic tokens into synthetic commodities

Token Continue rebase for value stabilization

Rebase Every 8 Hours

Negative rebases are amplified positive rebase territory faster.

Tokenomics: 6% $DOGE Rewards for all holders, 5% Liquidity and 6% Marketing for buys. While for sells, there is an extra 2% going to rewards, raising it to 4%

Liquidity is locked for 1 year. Moreover, additionally generated liquidity from transactions is sent to an inaccessible burn address.

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