
Doctor Shiba

Binance Smart Chain :

What is Doctor Shiba (SHIBD)?

Doctor Shiba is a decentralized finance (DeFi) token. It is aiming to benefit holders by providing them with reflections on every transaction.
Token Name: Doctor Shiba
✅ Symbol = $SHIBD
BSC Contract: New
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
100% Liquidity Locked By team . finance .
BSC Contract Verified.
No Presales
Slippage: 16%

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
14 % Marketing
1 % Developers ( Token Locked For 12 Months ) By team . finance
70 % Liquidity add to Pancakeswap
15 % Partnerships & exchanges ( Token Locked For 12 Months ) By team . finance .

Marketing Plan
Crypto Twitter Influencers
Poocoin ads
Top 6 Vote Websites
10% Buyback
10% Marketing & Rewards
5% Reflected back to Holders
5% Liquidity Pool back to Holders

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