

Binance Smart Chain : 0xB1d627Ee390aD0B83dc10A3ff9Ca2DF55B0cBB45

What is ShibUsdt($SHIBUSDT)?

ShibUsdt is a rebase token with 5% rewards for holding. Hold $SHIBUSDT and receive BEP-20 USDT

FastTrack CMC & CG in less than 2 days after launch.

Exchange listings on CEX like BitMart,, HotBit and etc.

Develop governance platform
Develop a community Dashboard webapp

✅ Doxxed Dev
100% liquidity locked
Rebase + Buyback + $USDT Rewards
✅ Audit in progress

Buy & Sell tax
5% USDT Rewards
2% LP
2% Buyback
3% Marketing
Total tax: 12%

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