

Binance Smart Chain : 0x5f00052b8c81a799b4f3bbc9ea2a1b7ecd06fba6

What is Solarmoon(SOLAR)?

The first decentralized, community solar mining platform. Let's change the way we mine!

Fully funded solar mining rigs to lower our carbon footprint and reward our community.


2% Liquidity
2% of each transaction is liquidity locked to ensure value

2% Distributed
2% of each transaction is redistributed to the holders of Solar Moon

6% to Solar
6% of each transaction is set aside to build solar mining rigs


SolarMoon prides itself on being a decentralized, community platform above all else! Our community is the backbone that runs the entirety of our project. We have no formal governance or leader. We have only contributing community members that work and vote together to see through our common objective of cleaning up the blockchain through our solar mining operations.

Let's save the planet and change crypto forever.

The clean energy way,
The solarmoon way.

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