

Binance Smart Chain : 0x4ddf7643f41ba22a5382bcd45adae7de11b44d73

What is Strade (STRADE)?

Strade shows new tokens listed on the Binance smart chain as soon as they are transacted on pancakeswap. It provides data on price movements, charts over varying periods, liquidity, market cap and more. Strade has upcoming indicators such as locked liquidity check, honeypot check, mint function check and more. Strade has a unique upcoming feature of showing the top tokens by price movement, liquidity, market cap.
Strade also has filters to allow users to define a search criteria for tokens.

At Strade we want to bring as much information for tokens to users. We provide data so users can make a risk assessment of tokens using reliable accurate data.

With strade you can find gems before they hit CMC and see all the data to make sure it's a safe investment!

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