
Sweety Inu

Binance Smart Chain : 0x131c69dedf19fd4678dd566c30c8da02e2b4d4e0

What is Sweety Inu(NFXG)?

Sweety Inu is a project created to be an active participant in the NFT community. The Urgaming project is built from a business point of view, that is, as a real business project that will generate products and services for the NFT community, while the profits from these will be reinvested within the same ecosystem to enhance our tokens and benefit our holders.

Team is KYC Verified and experienced..

Sweety Inu is an Ecosystem which willbring several projects very soon as per its roadmap.

Symbol: SWT
Supply: 1,000,000,000,000
Slippage: 11%
4% of every transaction will be redistributed to holders
4% of every transaction will go to burn.e

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