
Tommy Inu

Binance Smart Chain : 0xdbFdFC2673d5BF36A9359dAC96fabe4b0D19Aa0C

What is Tommy Inu(TOM)?

A father inspired by his babies (Shiba Inu, Doge, Akita Inu, Baby doge) Tommy Inu (TOM) is with BIG WOOF.
Tommy Inu has done things differently. With a supply of 1 trillion, our founder, Ployshi, locked 20% in Uniswap, 03% for ICO, 03% for Marketing, 03% for team, 03% for air drops, 28% already burrened, 25% for milestone burns, 01% for Dogs Welfare and the other 14% locked for games devlopment. Tommy Inu team is already working on 1st Earn to Play GAME. Which is timed to lauch in december 2021.

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