

Binance Smart Chain : 0x554f1d03c18b7bdb13a159696881ad0a39f64982

What is TopFloki(TOPFLOKI)?

TopFloki is an innovative decentralized cryptocurrency, which was born to be the hero of all memetokens. It will take over the power and be the most powerful and peaceful memetoken ever.
11% TaxFee
- 3% reflections to reward the loyal holders for being part of the project.
- 2% will go to liquidity to generate a strong floor level.
- 3% will be used for marketing.
- 3% will be donated periodically.
* Liquidity locked for a year.✅
Check preSale page
* KYC verification✅
* Contract Audited✅
Total supply is 1,000,000,000,000
- 55% of the total supply for presale.
- 33.3% will be liquidity
- 3.1% platform fees for the presale
- 8.6% team wallet
DxSale on 05 December 2021 at 17:00 UTC.
Stay tuned,
TopFloki team

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