

Binance Smart Chain : 0x74ea7d2F12375e6AbB33B104A937D4Ea2F24e1E0

What is DollarDoge(USDOGE)?

DollarDoge (USDoge) is a token built on Binance Smart Chain with revolutionary tax reflection and LP growth mechanics.
A 15% tax is applied to every transaction of USDoge, which is split to reward current holders in BUSD (10%), redistribute (1%), and grow a stable locked liquidity pool (4%). The contract incorporates an anti-whale limit of 1.5% of the total supply. It also incorporates an anti-dump limit that prevents sales of over 0.1% of the total supply in a 1-hour time frame. This protects holders from heavy price dumps from individual sellers.
What makes USDoge unique is that token holders are directly rewarded in BUSD, claimable on the official website whenever they want.

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