
American Shiba

Ethereum Smart Chain : 0xb893a8049f250b57efa8c62d51527a22404d7c9a

What is American Shiba(USHIBA)?

American Shiba $USHIBA is an ERC-20 token with over 8,000 holders and is 100% community owned. It has been adopted and paired with a team of 30 volunteer members contributing their time, energy, skills, and resources to the development of the American Shiba Ecosystem.

As holders of the American Shiba Ecosystem $USHIBA token, you’re part of a community that is at the center of the decentralized finance movement and are rewarded with a 2% redistribution rate that comes from each transaction. The reward is distributed proportionally, so the more American Shiba $USHIBA you hold, the more rewards you earn!

The American Shiba $USHIBA Community participates in charity donations and produces organic marketing. Holders of American Shiba $USHIBA will be rewarded in a multitude of ways by participating in the American Shiba Ecosystem.

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