

Binance Smart Chain : 0xd0cf531656cc703ac17234742336562b584712b0

What is Volcano(VOLCANO)?

The volcano is a wild meme Token.

You have to wait for the pump at any moment. During the pumping, after the eruption, those who did not buy will be buried under the ashes and will remain in regret, and this story will continue...

Token Details
Token Name: Volcano
Token Symbol: $VOLCANO
Token Type: BEP-20
Total supply: 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
Contract: 0xd0cf531656cc703ac17234742336562b584712b0

✅ Contract Source Code Verified
✅ Contract Audit
Tokens Burning starts 1st. September (1B/Day)
Advanced Anti-Whale Feature
Liquidity Locked for 3 Years
✅ Listed on LiveCoinWatch, Coincodex etc.

Tokenomics (10% Transaction Tax)
5% Redistributed to Holders
5% Liquidity Pool

Token Distribution
⛏ PancakeSwap Liquidity (70,72%)
‍ Dev/Marketing (9%)
Reserve Wallet (20.27%)
Liquidity pool is locked
⤏ Ownership will be renounced after presale

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