

Binance Smart Chain : 0xdbdca79114d2ec23daddd4fe8d4b3cbadad0a783

What is X10 FINANCE(X10)?

X10FINANCE - deflection token with dump protection

A deflationary asset and stable token with dumping protections and monetary incentives for holding is the goal of X10FINANCE. It has features such as an anti-dump tax, holder rewards, and burns on every transaction.

Why choose X10FINANCE
X10FINANCE Network plans on becoming a blockchain enterprise specifically designed for
global payments. X10FINANCE is a fully decentralized ecosystem with peer-to-peer
transactions developed on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
Our goal is to yield long-term Return-on-Investments (ROI) for X10 holders. X10 coin is a
non-mintable deflationary token, and holders can receive a 3% monthly interest for holding
X10FINANCE network has a 5% auto-burn fee on every transaction In addition to this, X10
coin holders also receive a 5% redistribution fee on every transaction.
Additionally, X10FINANCE Network reperforms smart contract audits to ensure security. We
also have a community- driven platform, where the community makes crucial decisions.
X10FINANCE has also imposed an anti-dump tax of up to 10% to prevent large dumps. An
NFT marketspace is also provided by X10FINANCE, where users can mint NFTs at a low
fee. We can also buy or sell third-party NFTs. X10 coin holders will further gain rewards for
bidding and pricing NFTs

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