
Yooshiba Inu

Binance Smart Chain : 0x1ada8bb610c59aae25d8dd8f354282f5693cefb1

What is Yooshiba Inu($YSHIBAINU)?

Yooshiba Inu ($YSHIBAINU) is a BEP-20 token under Binance Smart Chain. A hyper-deflationary token that collects 10% tax every transactions (buy, sell & transfer) where 5% of the tax goes to liquidity pool. The buyback and burn function of the contract ensures the token price floor stability as the 3% of the tax, once accumulates a buy back amount (TBA), automatically sent to burn address while sending the allocated tokens to the marketing wallet. The remaining 2% shall be distributed to token holders relative to their holding percentages.

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