

The most user-friendly DEX on Solana

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What is Orca?

favorite DEX to swap for it, only to be reminded of the current state of the world: making the trade would cost you twenty bucks in gas.
If you were active in DeFi during the summer of 2020, you’re likely familiar with the situation I just described. We call it the gas ceiling: fees so high only whales can afford to swim in the space.
Terrible puns aside, the crypto ecosystem is craving a long-term solution, and that solution is Solana. We believe that Solana’s sub-second finality, airtight security, and nearly-free transactions will break the gas ceiling. Not convinced? Today, we’re proud to announce the launch of Orca, the easiest, fastest, and most user-friendly AMM on Solana. Come experience the magic of instant, nearly-free swaps — you might just change your mind.

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